Whenever possible, you should buy your food from the farmers market rather than the local grocery store and supermarket. Usually the food purchased from the farmers market is fresher and without a lot of chemicals and additives. These foods will sometimes taste fresher, even with other ingredients added. A good tip to keep in mind when cooking food you bought at the farmer's market is to keep the recipe basic. People often struggle when making sauces, especially if they need sweeten the flavor of the sauce. Many cooks will use mashed carrots or unsweetened applesauce to thicken and sweeten their sauces. No need to add sugar, these natural foods have a great natural sweetness. This can be especially helpful for diabetics who need to watch their diet or anyone else that is trying to moderate the amount of sugar in their daily diets.
Understand How Cooking Works
One of the first steps in becoming a better cook is to better understand cooking in general. The best way to do this is to simply think about your meals every time you eat in a restaurant. Think about why it tastes so good when you eat something you find tasty in a restaurant. Cinnamon should be added to foods for extra antioxidants. It adds great flavor to just about any fruit and is great for using when baking. Cooking is a process where each ingredient is a bit of science and has a job to do. Leaving out an ingredient, putting too much of something, or cooking for too long can turn your dish into a disaster. One neat trick taught to my by my grandmother was to add a bit of lemon juice to the pot while your pasta is cooking. Not too much, just a dash (maybe 4-5 drips). The acid from the lemon will give your pasta an exciting taste that you probably wouldn't have thought of. Plus, lemon is also a very powerful antioxidant, even in small amounts. The smart addition of spices and different flavors will great help to improve the quality of your meals.
A great tip to save time while baking, but still be creative, is to start with a mix and add your own flair. Some cooks and bakers avoid packaged mixes at all costs. This can be a bit shortsighted, some mixes are excellent. You can give them some extra zing by adding blueberries or corn kernels to a cornbread mix. Another trick is to add jams and sprinkles to cupcakes for a brand new taste. Preparing your meals at home can be a great way to save money, it can get expensive to eat out all of the time. This doesn't mean you shouldn't dine out, it means that your eating costs will be much lower if you cook at home for the majority of you meals. Are you having problems with the chocolate that you want to use for baking? Take a small saute pan or pot and melt 1/2 to 1 tsp of vegetable oil or shortening (not butter or margarine). You don't want the chocolate to seize up so make sure your pan is perfectly dry. Melt your chocolate until smooth. Cooking or baking in bulk, and then freezing the leftovers, is a great way to save money. Plus, you always have meals in the freezer, ready to go. Set your shopping list to match the meals that you have planned. A smart diet plan will end up saving you money and help you to live a healthier lifestyle.
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